Today, was the Butler Hamfest’s return to it’s longtime home at the Butler Farm Show grounds. It had moved to the Butler county fairgrounds about 6 years back.
Todays crowd was decent; not bad for a Post-COVID, New-ish venue hamfest. I was kind of tied to the club table, and didn’t get to do any exploring, but did see that a new food building has been opened.
I took all of our left-overs from previous estates, added in some recent donations (along with some of my own gear), and filled up the truck bed for today’s trip to western PA. The day was a definite success! Club members will see the sales numbers in next Sundays Treasurer report.
The next Hamfest on my radar is the Mansfield Trunkfest on July 8th (July 9th rain date). You can learn more at https://iarc.club/hamfest/index.html. No sales this time, just browsing. DE WG8X