Our Nets

“A radio net is three or more radio stations communicating with each other on a common channel or frequency. A net is essentially a moderated conference call conducted over two-way radio, typically in half-duplex operating conditions.”


Monday at 7:00pm (2300Z)
440 MHz Net

We meet at 7 PM each Monday evening on our 442.350 MHz Repeater. The tones are 131.8 for both transmit & Receive.

The Net Manager for the 440 Net is Loren Kleinhans, KD8WVE

Lorin, KD8WVE

All our nets are open to all licensed amateur radio operators.

Homeland Security Net
Tuesday @ 7:00pm (2300Z)

James, KD8VT

This is our Simplex Net. We meet at 7 PM each Tuesday evening on 147.51 MHz. No splits, no tones, no repeater. Just good conversation, and some practice for those situations when the repeaters might go down.

The Net Manager for the Homeland Security Net is James Andrews, KD8VT

All our nets are open to all licensed amateur radio operators.

W8LKY Six Meter Digital Net
Tuesday @ 8:00pm (Wednesday-0000Z)

This Digital Mode net meets at 8:00 PM eastern each Tuesday evening on 50.292.25MHz.
Our operation mode is Olivia 8/500 (1500hz)

The Net Manager for the Six Meter Digital Net is Steve Collins, KB8RFE

Steve, KB8RFE

All our nets are open to all licensed amateur radio operators.

W8LKY Ten Meter Digital Net
Thursday @ 7:30pm (2330Z)


Steve, KB8RFE

This digital Mode net meets at 7:30 PM eastern each Thursday evening on 28.122 MHz.
Our operation mode is Olivia 8/500 (1500hz)

The Net Manager for the Ten Meter Digital Net is Steve Collins, KB8RFE

All our nets are open to all licensed amateur radio operators.

Ten Meter SSB Net
Thursday @ 8:00pm (Friday-0000Z)

John, WG8X

Our 10M SSB net meets each Thursday at 8 PM eastern time.
we meet on 28.423 +/- QRM

The Net Manager for the Ten Meter SSB Net is John Myers, WG8X

Note for net control operators:
Here is the script for the 10M SSB Net

All our nets are open to all licensed amateur radio operators.

Two Meter Net
Thursday @ 9:00pm (Friday-0100Z)


Our Two Meter Net meets each Thursday evening at 9 PM Eastern, on our 2 Meter Repeater. Our Repeater frequency is 145.370 MHz, minus offset, with a tone of 110.9hz (transmit & receive)

The Net Manager for the Two-Meter Net is Tomas St. George, KC8ZEH

Tomas, KC8ZEH

All our nets are open to all licensed amateur radio operators.

Ten Meter CW Net
Coming Soon!


Our Ten Meter CW net is currently on hiatus, while we look for a new net control. If interested, please contact us

Net stats coming soon!