Our Club History

We have found traces of multiple Amateur Radio clubs in the Alliance area; some going back as far as 1950.  spanning the last 60 years in the Alliance area.

There are rumors of one club existing as far back as 1925.

We invite anyone with information regarding the formation and history of the Alliance Amateur Radio Club to contact W8LKY.

Here’s what we have so far. feel free to contact us with any updates or corrections.

W8SHZ    Green Valley Radio Club (cir 1950 – cir 1965)

W8LKY     Tri-County Radio Club (1950-1977)

                 Tri-County Repeater Association     ??    

W8HQC    State St. Junior High Radio Club (cir 1955-1970)

W8BAO    Mount Union College ARS   (cir 1947-1952) 

W8LKY    Alliance ARC                         1980 – Present